Going Out Checklist


Heading out for some family fun at an amusement park, movie theater, mall or any other public place? Use this checklist to make your outing safer.

Make sure your children understand the basic rules of safety – check first before going anywhere; take a friend everywhere you go; tell people “NO” if they try to touch or hurt you; and tell a trusted adult if anyone makes you feel sad, scared or confused.

Look at a map of the facilities and locate information booths or customer service centers. Carry recent pictures of your children in case they get lost. You can even take a picture of them on your cellphone just before leaving.

Check that your cellphone is charged and your children have the number memorized. Consider giving older children a cellphone of their own so you can reach them more easily.

Remember what your children are wearing so you can describe their clothing to staff members in case they are lost. Tip: If your children are wearing bright colors, they will be easier to spot in crowds.

Teach younger children to look for people like security officers, store employees or park staff members who can help them look for you in case you are separated.

Instruct older children to go directly to a designated spot, like a store or an information booth, to meet you. They should never leave or go to the parking lot to try and find you.

You should always go with younger children to the restroom. Make sure older children take a friend; it’s safer than going alone.

Download “Going Out Checklist” Tip Sheet (EN)

Descargue la hoja de consejos “Lista de verificación para salir” (ES)

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